Jul 5, 2008

Our Tastes-- Samuel Adams 2007 Longshot Weizenbock

Continuing on my quest to try them all (having only 1 left after this one), I am giving Rodney Kibzey's Weizenbock a try. It pours a cloudy mahogany with ample head. The aroma is oddly in contrast to the actual taste. The smell is almost of a spicy pilsner but the mouthful is full bodied banana and cloves. It apparently took him a few batches to get this one right but when you look at the Chicago area rankings he came in 1st, 2nd and 3rd!! for his Weizenbock, American IPA and Ordinary Bitter, so he had it hemmed up for sure. I'm not sure that I would buy a sixer of this stuff but hell when you win all 3 top places they kind of had to pick something. One curiosity is whether it is top or bottom fermented? Bocks are bottom fermenting whereas true wheats must be top-fermented by German law. Either way, at 7.2%abv it'll do donkey