Apr 6, 2009

The End of Two Eras Cont'd

Shortly behind WW was my IRA (#13) for St. Patty’s 06’. Made on 11/15/05, this one included a boil over and I think that I had invited Jenna and her husband over. He enjoyed watching the process and even snagged a Budweiser stocking shirt for me long before they sold out to InBev. I’m still so proud of the color of this beer, it is a superb Killian’s hue. I know it sounds weird to describe it by another mass beer but Killian’s truly has a great Irish red color, it’s my standard reference method if you will (for color that is). The head when it was first tried was smooth and medium, but after all of this time has started to become over carbonated and yields an overwhelming head at the very end that must be allowed to settle to begin enjoying the brew. This was my first batch solo using Irish moss, a clarifying agent. Red mentions another method on his tour and I can’t remember the technical name but it equaled fish intestines to help gather grain proteins and yeast for better settling. Damn, what is that stuff called? Anyway a great beer to the end.