Getting back into the tasting saddle, I'm giving Blasphemy a whirl tonight. I can tell you 1st impressions are enormous! Cracking the crown on this one allowed super wafting of tart raisins and alcohol to perfuse to my nares from at least 12 inches away! The color is a medium extremely cloudy brown with a head that dissipated as soon as it hit the glass thanks to the 11.8%abv. Weyer's usual quad aged in oak barrels has made for quite a beer in these 22oz bombers. Anyone who has ever enjoyed an oak aged or fermented beer knows the sharp tones and vanilla hints that the wood imparts to the beer. With this beer being so heavy on the EtOH it reminds me a little of Reinke's. It's almost as the alcohol acts as a solvent to pull very woody, sugary, sharp vanilla, caramel tones out the oak, and the higher the abv the more pronounced! I've had this particular bottle long enough for them to change the label? Apparently I've had this bottle prior to 2011 for sure because now it is a
corked 750ml ONLY that graduated from a 12oz bottle. This is a great beer for one person in a 220z bomber.