It just so happens I'm swigging another LFH brew. The nose was of hard cereal, but even though the initial taste bit at me the "after-bite me" was awesome and mellowed? LFH Sawtooth Ale (which I don't care) for squared. This is a respectable beer that should be bottled in Sawtooth's place. The scenery is just sad, its bitter drinking and ok at best I guess. A medium orange color and listed as a Double ESB. Made with "Glen Eagle, Pale 2-row, Munich, Oats, Light Crystal, Caramalt, Special B and Black Malt" then hopped with "Magnum, US Goldings and Cascade". The 9.4%abv is a redeeming quality but quite honestly I may pass it up for something else if given the opportunity. Wicked label though and once again marketing pulls the consumer in for the purchase.