I bought myself some Star Wars action figures (that is after all what he is known in part for, right), I drank some American beer (which you will read about shortly) and thanked God that I could openly do both (because in President Reagan's visit to the Soviet Union, yes it was called that then, he was told not to talk about Jesus/God during a public USSR address, so he told the audience a story about a man from Galilee:) When he died I was on Lake Martin with a very good friend and my many years later-to-be wife fishing!
So I'm trying another GABF 2010 beer on it's own. Oxymoron a "Teutonic India Pale Ale". A low-level off-bitter ill balanced wheat concoction offered by LFH. I've supported them in the past and even sent pics of my dog trying to "jail-break" the fridge for more of their offerings. About the only enticing quality is the aroma, it IS exquisite! Color is an off settling brown. 7.2%abv and a lineage of hops, "Magnum, Northern Brewer, Perle, Tradition, Spalter Select, Hersbrucker and dry hopped with Tradition, Spalter Select and Hersbrucker". Overall profile is that I wouldn't bootleg it back from GABF again, but I had already bought it BEFORE thoroughly tasting:( Hey, at least it's no 400lb Monkey.