Dec 22, 2012

Our Tastes-- Brooklyn Local 1

Been dying for a while to try this brew, so The Enabler volunteered his palate and liver. Local 1 has a nose that evolves for sure. Initially cold yeast and now as it warms the banana starts to come forth. It pours an even flat head of cloudy almost light orange in our tulip glasses. The palate changes ever so gently with or without aeration/swilling. A straight scoot across the tongue is sweet, with residual grape and the usual suspects of clove and banana. When jostled back and forth, and the froth builds in your mouth more aroma builds in your nares and the taste doesn't appear to be so sweet forward. Hops may be in it to balance the palate but it's gentle. So with a plethora of grains and German Hallertauer Perle, Styrian Golding hops for balance it's a very complex beer that changes with temperature for sure. Warming changes the profile, but for a Belgian golden ale, that's understandable. 9%abv, makes it a shareable brew! BTW 243cal/12oz.