Jul 19, 2013

1st Annual Hotballs 10K

Since I couldn't find a 10K this month to keep my streak of one per month going that I've had all year, I invented one. This is my attempt to insure that this year's Hyundai Half and next year's Seaside are solid races for me. But in true Beat-12 form, I decided to do this like I pretty much do everything, HARD. I started by pre-hydrating with 2 Silver Bullet pints while I tended the Mitchell #1 Zeus hop garden, yeah it's only Zeus now, Centennial bit the dust. I then proceeded to have BlackStone's bottled version of my favorite, Maris Otter. BTW the label is far more eye appealing than the other kin, Rogue Sea Otter Ale. Plus you can pull it and get a sweet beer fridge magnet from it. I then waited for it to get to an even 90F, because relative humidity was only 47% anyway and filled my Nathan hydration belt with 16 more ounces of Maris Otter. I learned many tips on this "fun" run. One, beer is a postrace bevvy, not to be consumed just before or during an event. I hadn't made it 200yards when I realized the jostling of the fluid bottles at the small of my back filled with the aforementioned Maris had started to foam out and run into my running shorts. So this forced me to blow through about 4oz of reserve in the 1st mile and hold those bottles to maintain even pressure. I then noticed this burning in my calves within the first quarter mile and realized it was probably lactic acid build-up, well that soon went away as the Maris kicked in at about mile 3. That's about the same time I had to continue hydration. By now the plastic bottles had Maris Otter at about 85-90F and you know that's when one can REALLY notice serious changes in a beer's profile. The malt and hop bills seem to fight on my palate for dominance. And logic dictates that the 94.2% water had to be helping my performance and though I thought I was maintaining about 9min/mile pace the EtOH was actually winning and I was delusional at closer to 12min/mile pace. That must be when I miscalcualted my run route, because ultimately I ended up running 6.6 instead of 6.1miles. Eh, what's a half mile when you place 1st with an overall of 1:18:35 and you're off by close to 35mins of your best time?