Jan 24, 2015

Ballast Point: Habanero Sculpin

This past Growler-fill trip to HopCity, I spotted on tap one of the highest rated IPAs in the land, but with a special twist, Ballast Point's Habanero Sculpin. I loved the citrusy hops with a light "al dente" malt chew of the regular Sculpin. I also remembered Frankie's last post on increased testosterone with spicy food, and thought, "I could get some t-level therapy while knocking back an excellent brew at the same time. Win-Win! What could possibly go wrong." (Note: Ironic Foreshadowing) I purchased a Howler (Half-Growler) and went home happier than a clam at high tide. I poured a glass, and out came the beautiful golden straw IPA. Mmm, looked like Sculpin. A nice bubbly, thick white head formed, and I brought the glass up to my nose. Mmm, smelled like Sculpin. All those citrusy hops begged to be consumed. I took a sip. Whoa! It tingled the lips! [Cough, Cough, Cough] It singed the back of my throat! It pretty much incinerated my palate. The habaneros over ran the balance of the hops and malt like a Santa Anna Army. I held strong, and gave it another taste. It was no use, the reinforcement of habaneros continued the onslaught over my taste buds. Even a small burp allowed an uprising of chili peppers to complete any unfinished business in my mouth. The good thing was, after 4-5 more sips, I either began to acquire a taste for the scorching brew, or all taste buds had gone numb from the cauterization of my nerve endings. Nonetheless, I think Frank and Andy should probably stay clear of any chili pepper beers. So, if that's your thing Montgomery, sorry.