Apr 7, 2015

National Beer Day

I had no idea that this was such a big deal that we celebrated New Beer's Eve (April 6th), to coincide with it. So on this day in 1933 FDR signed the Cullen-Harrison Act which allowed people to buy, sell and drink beer again as long as it was <4 .05="" 1.5million="" a="" abv.="" amstel="" barrels="" be="" beer="" day="" drank="" drinking="" enough="" href="http://www.brewersassociation.org/statistics/by-state/" in="" is="" light="" more="" must="" oddly="" of="" one="" popular="" population="" s="" so="" than="" that="" the="" why="">Colorado
produced in all of 2013. To put it all in perspective, every man, woman and child (and yes the census included Native American's as of 1930) consumed 47 ounces of beer on that one day. You read it here first.