Sep 5, 2015

Inaugural Beach Balls 10K

Late El Niño kept us from having a hot summer, (nothing like 2 years ago) so before we have an Indian summer we opted into Beach Balls this year as a transition from Hot Balls to Fall/Turkey Balls 10K beer worthy runs. Attendance this year was steady as we ran "the turn" for the Seaside Half Marathon from Rosemary Beach back to Seaside proper post office. Draper Lake was nice into Big Redfish, Alligator and finally the cooking started at Western Lake right in to the sun with no shade. At only 88F and 88% humidity, I thought this run would be "fun". But the last 2 under estimated miles of this mis-calculated 6.75mile "10k" began to steal the life out of me. Alas, our ever enduring sponsor BlackStone Brewer, Red, made sure there was some Session Player available. Now I've never had a session IPA and the thought has crossed my mind in the past that these beers were simply juked up pale ales, but no, there is a discernible difference, and that's not just the water weight loss talking! Somewhere above SN pale ale, level with SW 420 IPA but below Adam Bomb this citrus juicy full bodied low abv malted backbone IPA has won me. Much like I tell my wife she's my favorite (I've only had one;). The label is cool with the pick silhouette and I can only imagine the .73mm refers to it's thickness, crowns are about 4 times that?