Oct 6, 2015

Brew Batch #69 The G-Man

So after sipping on Muffin Man for 2 years and reading arduously on this beer style and taking the time to convert it to all grain for footnotes. I'm laying into gingerbread beer. In theory this should be nice and cold and ready to pass the gullet around late November. It was this or I bang my head against the gourd again this fall. Partially inspired by past spiced winter brews, I traverse into unknown territory with this one. OG 1.046 +0.002 @75F. Yeast harvested from this brew and either repitched or doubly pitched will ferment a milestone for Beat-12 Brewing I have approached with great trepidation. It smelled like Christmas in the last five minutes of the brew and I'm exited. I'm trying to decide if a well made base beer with extracts/spices is better and more easily/consistently made than a "from scratch" beer with fresh ingredients like pumpkin and ginger. We'll see how it sips soon enough.