Nov 26, 2015

Dark Beer Benefits

I've spent the month imbibing dark beer like religion as my beard grew. Now higher, generally speaking, in calories is the only draw back I can see in dark beers (but you'll survive longer!). As a matter of fact I just had 2 of them now I'm having a tripel to cleanse the palate;) Now oddly enough beer in general is good for you in moderation with pales and darks differing yet in categories. Silicon, which promotes bone strength is found higher in pale beers (hence my tripel). However, dark beers provide B vitamins like most styles, and higher levels of iron, due mainly to malt and hops used. I need not explain to anyone how important Fe & H2O are to mammals. In a study of canines with narrow arteries, only the dark beer group had less coagulation properties than the pale beer group with the same average arterial narrowing. For every 100mls of dark beer you're also getting 1gm of soluble fiber. We all need more sleep to push Mg+2 out of our neurons to allow for better memory lay down. Well dark beer has lactoflavin and nicotinic acid (beware this is a vasodilator hence BP drops resulting in tachycardia) that promotes sleep. If you're having 2 brews and you're butt naked in the tundra, pick a light lager, you'll be warmer longer before you loose your toes. Otherwise, Dark Beer is like E.T.,...Friend. (do your own youtube look up)