Mar 28, 2017

Brew Batch #80 Jake's Juice (AG#2)

What better way to open the summer since we skipped spring and never had winter! Got a chance to knock out Jake's Juice all-grain again. Hopefully dialed in the recipe a bit better today. Same grain bill used, addition of 10gms of Gypsum (Ca+SO4-). This may harden the water slightly and sweeten the taste just a bit. Sulfate portion of gypsum shouldn't make a big deal since it's effect is on hops and it's only got 2oz of Vanguard 4.8α at 60mins. Used the ole 2 different yeast strains "trick" again to see if Jake's profile has changed. Yielded 5C of 2565 OG 1.051+0.002 @77F and 4C of 1010 OG 1.052+0.002@ 77F. Even got hold of some honey harvested within 10 miles of the house.