Jun 23, 2018

Brew Batch #95 Cherry Wood Porter

Old school bottling took place tonight in the form of 50 longnecks. It's been such a long time since I bottled a complete batch I had to look for the spigot that went on my bottling bucket! FG 1.018+0.001@77F gives this old Baltic porter recipe favorite a 7.1%. I think the 6oz of cherry wood uncharred is a bit much over previous batches with only 4oz but it's bottle conditioning and my hopes are that it will mellow out some of the wood astringency allowing more of the chocolate notes to come through and marry with the cherry. However, ALL but 7 go to Dr. C, a big fan and supporter of Beat-12. So that'll be 2 comps at the minimum and a little QC to track and compare.