Dec 3, 2018

Brew Batch #112 Southie-12 v2.0

What was a totally revamped version of Southie from last year to be one of my best attempts at a Belgian Dark Strong, may end up as a Dubbel. Grain bill redone, use of continental everything where available with sprinkles of character malts that was to be an OG 1.097 ended up at 1.066+0.001@74F upon cold break and rack on to 3787 Trappist yeast. Yeah, bummer to say the least. Even with a 75 minute mash and adjustment down to 62% for BE, I still ended up at 60% on a grain bill only 2 pounds lighter than my last hazy. I don't get it. To the point I've already sanctioned more Belgian pilsner and dark candi syrup. Not panicking yet, I can still enter 26D at 8%abv but it'll have to do some dropping. (My next Reinke's PITA, pain in the neck!)