Mar 24, 2019

2019 Star City Throw Down

For yet another brew off weekend, Star City Homebrew Throwdown started it off at 5pm CST with Mab's Milkshake and Addition by Subtraction in attendance. But out of 114, no bling was to be mine from Old Dominion. Mab's garnered 34 with all notes pointing to "interesting" but the BJCP world isn't ready for milkshake IPAs. Addition by Subtraction the inadvertent lager eked out a 28. Weird, a lot of the final notes stated "no faults" but gave little else as to why it scored the way it did. My only beef is that this comp took almost 24 hours to post scores and only had minimal entries. Other than that the score sheets posted relatively quickly with many of the hometown crew getting medals.