Feb 29, 2020

2nd Annual Garden State

348 entries with Reinke's Revenge 2019 (33A) and Kemosabe (22A) in their respective classes duking it out! As of now, I'm still waiting on sheets from AWOG in NY, but even in just their 2nd year the Garden State Homebrewers have it together enough to have results and sheets posted in less than 24 hours from the awards ceremony! So another 34 for RR, folks are not digging the Amburana wood as much as myself and neighbors, but Kemosabe stroked a 34 as well and a silver. Our Injun' is on a roll. With Reinke's judges are believing it to be "spiced" but in reality everything in this Impy is from the amburana. This is the second 34 in a row with just about the same notes, so I'll be sitting on the rest of this keg. Jersey, check!