Just when you think we've blogged all of the beers a brewery makes they throw a seasonal out there. I first had this at this year's 2nd Annual MagicCity Brewfest, so when I saw it in the stores I went ahead and picked up a 6er to give it a good once over. Summer Shandy is a weiss beer not a wit bier with a zesty lemon taste, for us its literally 4.2%abv lemonade. This is an extremely light pouring brew with an erupting head. I didn't swirl it to pour it up but it was laying on its side in the fridge and may have done it on its own. The taste is not as sweet as Hooch, Mike's Hard Lemonade, but more of a taste of its own. The aroma is the same as homemade lemonade. Made with pale and wheat malt and only cluster hops, I'd drink more of this...matter of fact believe I'll have another.
Jun 9, 2008
Our Tastes-- Leinenkugel's Summer Shandy
Just when you think we've blogged all of the beers a brewery makes they throw a seasonal out there. I first had this at this year's 2nd Annual MagicCity Brewfest, so when I saw it in the stores I went ahead and picked up a 6er to give it a good once over. Summer Shandy is a weiss beer not a wit bier with a zesty lemon taste, for us its literally 4.2%abv lemonade. This is an extremely light pouring brew with an erupting head. I didn't swirl it to pour it up but it was laying on its side in the fridge and may have done it on its own. The taste is not as sweet as Hooch, Mike's Hard Lemonade, but more of a taste of its own. The aroma is the same as homemade lemonade. Made with pale and wheat malt and only cluster hops, I'd drink more of this...matter of fact believe I'll have another.