Nov 27, 2008

Brew Batch #27 Belgian Dubbel

This is one of the recipes I've been dying to try for a long time and when it was brought to my attention that perhaps some 22oz bombers of special wedding brew would be a great idea for gifts at the soon to occur nuptials, I came up with this as one of the brews that I would attempt to perfect in the name of matrimony. This is a rather in depth recipe, maybe because I only have one chance and since it takes about 2 months to ferment and 4 or so to start to mellow out just in case someone wants to crack their bottle open at the wedding. Made little grain, but an enormous amount of fermentables including 6lbs of Golden Light DME, 1lb of dark Belgian candi sugar and 6lbs of Golden LME. Lay some Spalt in there for a hour and some Saaz for a minute and voila OG 1.058+ 0.001@ 66.5F. Brewed Thanksgiving Day this is part of the "Wedding Series" of beers.