Finishing out the Great Lakes beers that we have in storage is their Holy Moses White Ale. This brew named after the founding father of Cleveland, Moses Cleaveland, pours a clear (cloudy if you swirl the yeast bed) golden straw. The head is flat and without mention and the taste the typical Belgian wit (meaning "white" from the yeast) spiced up with orange peel, chamomile and coriander (never heard of chamomile in a wit, so that's neat). 5.4%abv and definitely tolerable to a 6-pack limit.
Nov 6, 2008
Our Tastes-- Great Lakes Holy Moses White Ale
Finishing out the Great Lakes beers that we have in storage is their Holy Moses White Ale. This brew named after the founding father of Cleveland, Moses Cleaveland, pours a clear (cloudy if you swirl the yeast bed) golden straw. The head is flat and without mention and the taste the typical Belgian wit (meaning "white" from the yeast) spiced up with orange peel, chamomile and coriander (never heard of chamomile in a wit, so that's neat). 5.4%abv and definitely tolerable to a 6-pack limit.