Feb 7, 2009

Our Tastes-- Samuel Smith Oatmeal Stout

Funny to me how when you look at English or "Old World" beers that they introduce the beer on the label as though they are fighting in a boxing match. In this corner weighing in at 1pint 2.7ml (550ml, 18.7oz is a "Victorian pint") Samuel Smith Old Brewery Tadcaster The Celebrated Oatmeal Stout reads the entirety of this beer. A clear bottle, like Newcastle, delivers this dark brown libation to my pint (best enjoyed in a goblet). The aroma is malty, sugar-coated raisins. Lattice is light and feathery on the pint. Taste is a velvet bitter sweetness of oats. Samuel Smith's Oatty was actually commissioned to be made, because of 1977 oatmeal stouts were gone. Best at 55F, no abv listed, but light by necessity.