May 1, 2009

Our Tastes-- Dogfish Head Pangaea

Attempting to finish off the DFH line-up I had in my Ps extra bedroom we embark on a trip to every continent with Pangaea. Best served cool, not cold in a snifter or wine glass. A clear light amber with head that dissipates fills our glasses. This particular bottle was bottled on 10/30/06. and I wish I had an image of the label art (it has the supercontinent of Pangaea on it). The smell is a suprising flat, but the taste is a hand grenade fo flavors! The most complex DFH I've had, maybe 2nd overall to SA Utopias! Mouthfeel is full with touches of clover/banana, honey, moutain berry, pure water, slight ginger?, with a velvet that smoothes across the tongue. Made with water from Antarctica, fermentable basmati blue rice from Asia, crystallized ginger from Australia, moscavado sugar from Africa, Belgian yeast from Europe, and I have no idea what from the Americas (probably just the damn taxes on it here). 7%abv and a healthy fattening alternative to pork right now.