Jan 23, 2010

Our Tastes-- Olde School Barleywine

Still attempting to close in on every DFH beer, I'm sniftering up some Olde School Barleywine. On the bottle it gives you 2 tasting options, I'll be doing the 1st one now and the 2nd later. Pour into 2 snifters and enjoy, (I will pour 1 snifter twice). The other says to take bottle into woods, dig 2x2x3 ft hole, memorize location, bury and return in 1 year to enjoy. It pours a very clear head flattening, brown sweet tea. Heavy alcohol and slightly sweet wood notes. As you roll it over the palate there is absolute raisin, fig, plum with warm white oak. I can't get over the color on this one! Ah yes, lest we not forget Sam adds pureed figs and dates form a Cellarman's technique he met in England. A great find today, let you know how it is later. Oh and read the story about the cowboy on the front of this label just to amaze potential converts, we must use every weapon to our advantage.