Dec 4, 2013

Our Tastes-- Claymore Scotch Ale

Andy Mc picked us up a sixer of this to sample against a project he's got going and since this wasn't on draft when I went to GABF and sat in their couches at Great Divide, I thought we'd give it a whirl.
A nose of smoky wooden barrel on a flattened white head, only obtained with a hard pour into the tumbler. There's an astringency across the tongue that lends into an alcohol warmth at the very back of the taste, no doubt from the 7.7%abv. On the breath out through the nares, one can easily discern the peat in this wee heavy. Dark mahogany with ruby highlights with little recognizable hop addition on it's overt malt backbone. Some trivia, the claymore was massive heavy Scottish sword, of the same that is seen in Braveheart wielded by William Wallace. The analogy is that it may take to hands on the pint to control this brew.