Dec 16, 2014

El Gordo Surprise

The time had come to drop off our samples (aka The Winners) at Good People brewery for HODO 2015. Upon arrival we noticed activity behind the bar at the front door. It appeared to be a bevy of box opening. Our curiosity got the best of us, and we peered over. What stared back at us was a beer ready to lucha libre our taste buds into oblivion, "El Gordo".
This is the one and only beer listed under Good People's Bearded Reserve List, so we definitely felt like we walked in on something special. The gentleman behind the bar let us ogle the cache. We kissed our lucky stars at our impeccable timing. And then he so politely informed us that all these bottles will be out in distribution and available tomorrow. Oh that's right, no retail sales out the front door to take home. Blast you Alabama Law!!! Still pretty cool to see.