Dec 11, 2014

Tripel Overhead (Bourbon Barrel Aged)

Time again to dive into the collection from "The Great Beer Trek", and taste another sample. Let's see, whadda we got in the 'ol beer fridge. Hmmm, Ahh, here we go, Tripel Overhead from Mother Earth Brewing.  A Belgian-style Tripel, aged in oak bourbon barrels. Seems alright. The label shows the rhythmic waves rolling in on a quiet beach. A tranquil looking scene. Cool man, seems to match the groovy vibe of the tasting room from what I remember. The cork pops, and right away, I get a sweet noseful. My senses transport me to a beach at sunrise, and the breeze hits me just right as I get a whiff of lingering suntan lotion as it mixes with the salt in the air. Or maybe that's the label talking, whatever, I smell some banana and a little bit of coconut. Moving on, the beer pours a beautiful orange with a light off-white head. It is reminiscent of the ebbing sea foam at the end of the day, as the sun warms the dusk sky just before it dips below the horizon. Wow, this label is really starting to go to my head, let's try to stay focused here. Upon first taste, the malt provides a hint of sweetness, but not as much as the nose would have led to expect. As the sip lingers, the refinement of the oak bourbon barrel aging takes over. Not to the point that I feel like I am knocking back three fingers, neat. No, the taste is more subtle, like I'm sipping on a digestif, walking on the shore with my chinos rolled up in a cuff, and a cable knit sweater covering my shoulders from sea air. Now I've really been seduced by the label. Oh well, guess I best sit back and enjoy.