Dec 3, 2014

The Crowler

7 weeks had passed since the great trek to Gotham (aka NYC). With many samples amassed along the way, none were more intriguing than "The Crowler" from Oskar Blues in Brevard, NC. You remember, The Crowler. "It's a can...It's a growler... no, it's The Crowler." Straight from the tap beer in a portable 32 oz can that kept beer fresher, longer, stronger, faster. Ok, lets not get too carried away, we'll just see about that. I commandeered two samples during my visit, one Deviant Dales and one Ten Fidy. I would have gotten more, had the unique spinning thingy machine that sealed the top to the Crowler not malfunctioned, but alas. First up, Deviant Dales, an 8% IPA. Our trepidation about holding carbonation was immediately put to rest as the pop tab opened the the Crowler with a refreshing spritz. Upon first pour, the tiny bubbles rose through the copper hue, and alit themselves in a tight 1/4" head atop the beer. Impressive. A nice maltiness came through on the nose, reminiscent of sweet cornbread. The taste revealed a piney hop flavor that grew and grew like a well stoked furnace on the palate. Whooo! Not for the fainthearted. Regardless of the overwhelming hop profile, it was an IPA nonetheless, the beer was still quite quaffable. Before we knew it, the Crowler had given up all its goodness, and we were left with the smoldering ashes of a pine tree forest fire in the back of our throats. What I was most impressed with though, was the Crowler being as good, if not better, as advertised. But, I will hold off final judgement until we try the Ten Fidy, a well aged Ten Fidy. Think you're up to it...Crowler?