May 2, 2017

Siebel Start

After almost 15 years of home brewing, I've decided to try my hand at obtaining a Brewing Certificate from Siebel Institute via their online course. Suffice to say my extra time for the next 13 weeks will be spent on studying the 7-11 hours/week for the "average student". Then when I emerge from my Siebel cocoon, I hope to be able to provide better more consistent brews. My ultimate takeaway from this process is a good hazy wheat beer and how to possibly incorporate wheat into an IPA and a good session IPA recipe that I can use smoked malt in.  So I'll be on a bit of a brewing hiatus until about August. Of course the tasters will still be flowing, maybe even a bit more often. But ultimately after I keg Jake's Juice the Beat-12 "nano" will be down for a while.