Jan 18, 2006

Brew Batch #16

We'll call it 42-A IPA since this is Junk's brain child. I haven't made an IPA batch since 12/2003 and it turned out okay. We had a few of them this week and I really got the taste back in my mouth. This time we put all of the LME in a hot bath in the sink which made them REALLY quick and easy to pour (and it freed up the stove). We also put a little water in each of the jugs to get that last little bit of extract out of them. Speaking of sugar did I mention that we added about 1 lb of cane sugar to this batch? Yeah, buddy! Jamie down at the AleHouse said we would be okay at about 15% but we went with 10% since it was easier to measure. It also had 4 hop additions: Nugget, Fuggle, Kent Goldings and Fuggle (which was interesting to strain out). Oh and we may dry hop with some Cascade I have laying around. It took a while for the larger boil to come down to 80F but we were jaw-jacking and smoking stogies and cleaning out the fridge for upcoming tasters. So right now it is 38F outside and 62F in our primary. I'll check it tomorrow morning to see how the starter affected it. I hope it's rolling. OG 1.062+0.00 @60F If this turn out to be a 7%er it is going to be perfect. The only problem it that we can't decide what type of bottles to use, but the crowns must be YELLOW.