Jan 23, 2006

Taster's Choice Awards (not the coffee)

I've had a few comments lately about the homebrew and wanted to share them:
BugMan1109 wrote--"I tried your APA alongside Olde Towne, and they were surprisingly similar. The Amber was good too. It had a sweet taste in the background.
We miss you , Rosa. ;-(" --nice closing BugMan. He also took the time to look up a homebrewers association featured on the History Channel's Brewing episode, of which I have taped yet not seen (finals will be over soon).
Maltose Falcons Home Brewing Society (Los Angeles Homebrewing) - Home Page
I recently gave a sixer to a prof here at school consisting of SS, IRA & EPA and he said just this Friday he went all the way down one side of it (after his hot H2O heater went out) remarking, "They were good", a man of few words, thank you Dr. Colorado;)