Feb 14, 2007

Happy S.A.D.

Singles Awareness Day as I've renamed it. This day is purely a ploy by greeting card companies to shower your cutie pie with better gifts than those of her co-workers, but did you ever think about how you got yourself into this predicament? For fodder around the ole kegerator I propose this scenario. Rate this situation on a scale of blech to yum-- a Nattie Lite with too much head and green food coloring used to create a clover in the foam (worst) and the perfect stout with a half and half shot of Bailey's and the finest Irish whiskey you can find to create the perfect carbomb (best). What's the worst feeling:
A. Being into a girl and ordering flowers on Saturday afternoon for today (no roses!! just cute attention getting flowers that every nice girl deserves) then having her blow you off totally OR B. Having to actually make that phone call to the florist (that knew one of her bosses) on Monday morning telling her you made a big mistake and can she please cancel your order? Uh, yeah I'll take 2 Nattie's in SOLO cups to go! Well, maybe by the time Easter rolls around she'll be more of a chocolate bunny kind of girl.