Feb 17, 2007

Our Tastes-- Samuel Adams Honey Porter

Well I can't drink any after this due to tapering for the Shamrock Run so I might as well blog about it. This past weekend BugMan and I were able to partake of the latest Samuel Adams "Beer Lover's Choice" beer the Honey Porter. This beer is truly a work of art. For a porter the first thing you notice is the black-brown beautiful color. It has a light thick head but the taste and aroma are awesome. A great smoked honey aroma with a slightly sweet hoppy flavor profile probably from the roasted malt. Brewed with Spalt Spalter and UK Fuggles then dry-hopped (hopped after fermentation) with East Kent Goldings. The honey used is a Scottish heather honey grown on the moors. Even though this is the second "Beer of the People", it's actually a slight twist on an older Sam's recipe from the late 1990's. All in life is cyclical even beer. Because is it new, this brew is only available in the mixed sixer or mixed 12-pack, the Nut Brown Ale (last year's winner) gets a regular rotation in its own half cases and 6-packs. Five types of malt including 2-row Metcalfe and Harrington, Munich, Caramel and Weyermann Carafa went into this beer. All of this sweet malt is complimented by the honey. Some characteristics are: 192kcal/12oz and 5.45%abv.