Oct 22, 2007

Brew Batch #24 REINKE'S REVENGE 2007

Well it's that time of year again when I brew what has become one of my most look forward to recipes, Reinke's Revenge. It's hard to believe that only 5 other batches have come between the 06' and 07' series. Soon I'll be able to offer a vertical of this single batch. This year I managed to at least get it back into the month it belongs to be brewed in but I was a few days late from the original date itself (10/4). This year I did it on the King Cooker outside and it was a fast and smooth batch. I've got this one down pat and really enjoy brewing it. Nothing like 12lbs. of amber malt and 1.5lbs of mixed crush grain to get the ole "monster" twitching. OG 1.080+0.001 @74F. Hopefully, it's got a long way to fall;)