Oct 22, 2007

Our Tastes-- SweetWater Donkey Punch!!

Man, tasting new brews is OK! SW's new Donkey Punch is a 10% barleywine with 90 IBUs that does not fit the typical "barleywine" mold. First the bottle is an amazing 1L flip-top with golden foil. It pours a medium brown with a fleet of small particluate matter floating around in it. The aroma shoots a hop rocket right up the ole nare! Now when I bought this new seasonal in the "Catch and Release" series, I expected an almost sweet malt taste, boy were Merry and I wrong (yeah, she's a keeper she tried more than her fair share). The guys at SW have really outdone themselves. If you get a chance to grab this one up, try it. It is not their usual Festive Ale that comes out at this time of year. And the great thing about it is that you don't have to drink it all at once or alone, I've been sampling for 2 days;)