And finally what I deem as the last of the true summer ales we'll be trying another nice bevy from Goose Island, 312 Urban Wheat Ale. This one has all the makings of a true wheat. The color is standard with a prominent difference in aroma from it's Summertime cousin. The wheat has a definite "wheatie" smell to it and noticably bland taste. Everytime I have one I envision all of the wheat grain going through the mill crushing out the fine white seed starch. Man, wheats have become my new summer fav, I'll be sorry to see them go but so tis the season of life....and beer. (wax on) I'd like to tour Goose Island one day and snap up some of this 4.2%abv brew on draught. I understand wheer the 312 part comes from (area code) but is the wheat really grown in Chicago? I lived just outside of it not too long ago and never saw any wheat fields in Soldier Field.
Oct 3, 2007
Our Tastes-- 312 Urban Wheat Ale
And finally what I deem as the last of the true summer ales we'll be trying another nice bevy from Goose Island, 312 Urban Wheat Ale. This one has all the makings of a true wheat. The color is standard with a prominent difference in aroma from it's Summertime cousin. The wheat has a definite "wheatie" smell to it and noticably bland taste. Everytime I have one I envision all of the wheat grain going through the mill crushing out the fine white seed starch. Man, wheats have become my new summer fav, I'll be sorry to see them go but so tis the season of life....and beer. (wax on) I'd like to tour Goose Island one day and snap up some of this 4.2%abv brew on draught. I understand wheer the 312 part comes from (area code) but is the wheat really grown in Chicago? I lived just outside of it not too long ago and never saw any wheat fields in Soldier Field.