In keeping with finishing off the summer brews, I'm trying the Summertime from Goose Island Brewery. First things first, the color is a smooth light straw retaining little head on the pour. The Enabler snagged a few of these last year during a trip to the "Windy City". It has an awesome aroma and begs to have more than one drank in a sitting. It is a Kölsch-style beer with a light hoppiness and only 5%abv. No mention of the types of malts orhops used on the site but well worth a try.
Oct 3, 2007
Our Tastes-- Goose Island Summertime
In keeping with finishing off the summer brews, I'm trying the Summertime from Goose Island Brewery. First things first, the color is a smooth light straw retaining little head on the pour. The Enabler snagged a few of these last year during a trip to the "Windy City". It has an awesome aroma and begs to have more than one drank in a sitting. It is a Kölsch-style beer with a light hoppiness and only 5%abv. No mention of the types of malts orhops used on the site but well worth a try.