Dec 26, 2008

Our Tastes-- BlackStone Liquidity Bock

Bought a growler, never pinted, never tasted, and my tastes seem in line with the others I shared it with, almost BJCP-ish! The color is an awesome doppel, NOT mai nor, helles. The aroma a balanced malt and hop, with low flattening head. The taste, when rolled around the mouth is even and smooth when it comes to body; however, the overall balance when aftertaste is concerned is too hoppy for me (and I consider myself a bit of a hop-head!), Liberty and Mt. Hood are in here. I'm relatively new to the art of subbing different hops for others but I would almost try backing off whatever is first or replace some thing with Hersbrucker (after the shortage is over). Don't get me wrong, the beer itself is solid and I would never go thirsty if God left me only this to drink, but from a magnified expectation is a bit light with respect to the malt backbone. Maybe I've gotten used to maltier beers in the fall/winter and expect it less in spring beers. However, this German lager was put in the tank back in September and apparently has only gotten better. OG- 1.065, IBUs- 24