Oct 19, 2009

Brew Batch #33 XX Ale

I bottled the XX Ale today and still have the yeast in the "yeast bank" that I've started. I understand that you lose about 50% viability every 2-3 weeks, so I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to reculture and pitch it or not. I have 30&1/2 22oz bombers with gold crowns on them. FG 1.004+0.0 @64F to give about 8.4%abv. I tasted it in my usual and customary way and it smells and tastes just like the cellared beer Junk and I had at Bosco's. There is a substantial yeast quality to it and what I presume may be all of the unfermented sugar (maltodextrin?). We'll see how it ages.