Oct 13, 2009

Brew Batch #36 REINKE'S REVENGE 2009

The perennial favorite to brew since 2005. I'll admit it I am 9 days behind on the "date to really brew it on", but The Hyundai Half had me hobblin' like my hamstrings were only an inch long the next day!! Nonetheless, this year's batch has been taken of the burner and is chilling as I type and already has a twist in store. After some great feedback on my Sam Adam's LongShot score sheets from various family and friends, this year's batch will be secondaried on some white oak chips. I've read about barrel chips and charring them to yield certain flavors of vanilla, rum/raisins/plums and finally caramel on the dark roast, so I am going to toy with concept this year and see what happens. I am also going to keg this batch, but still bottle several bottles for Junk, Red (denoted in pink) and T-rav for verticals and criticism. There was something missing in this beer and I would really like to hone in on what I can do to alter the flavor profile just a bit. Boil time for extraction, hop additions, etc are all the same from the original batch, only this method will change. Fermentation days are usually the same, the only alterations this year will be white oak chips (not sure of charring just yet) and kegging. OG 1.080+ 0.001@ 72F