Well I finally got around to taking a look (or gulp) at the fine brews offered by Flying Dog Brewery out of Denver, CO. So this month even though it is a short will be the Month of the Dog. Junk has donated a litter of pups to the cause and I'll be starting out with the "runt" of the litter..Tire-Bite Golden Ale Tire bite is a kolsch. I have been away from Flying Dog Brews for a while, but I'll have to admit Tire Bite was okay. It reminded me a lot in smell and color of Miller Lite. I'm sure this is their answer to that type of mouth.
Alcohol content: 5.1% ABV
Original Gravity: 1.046
IBU's: 17.5
Specialty Malts: Malted White Wheat, Munich Malt
Hops: German Perle, Hallertau
Process: Brewed with a unique proprietary yeast