Aug 27, 2006

Brew Batch #18 Merry's Berry

Well I'm finally back to brewing and this batch so far has ironically mirrored my encounter with its namesake. The yeast pack was slow to warm up and I was hoping to brew last night but of course once it decided to get puffy for me, it did over night, so I am brewing this afternoon. On top of that, I played hell trying to find 4lbs of blueberries (screw the ones that are organically grown, I can wash the ddT off of the ones I have). One thing is for sure though, the new stove I have in my apt. is awesome. It goes from room temp to boil in no time, I better make sure that I really clean this bad boy before I move. I'll admit it's been a while since I last brewed, I seem to have the butterflies and tend to hover over the stove and have rechecked all of my equipment over and over again. Then to teach the yeast pack a little lesson, I threw in an extra POUND of sugar right before the first hop addition while it was boiling. Ever added a POUND of sugar to a boiling kettle? Well a little sugar got me a lot of head;)...damn thing instantly started to foam up on me so I had to remove it from the heat before I brought it back to a boil to add the hops. Overall, all went well. OG 1.050+0.002 @76F. This batch was supposed to be 1.046, maybe I got a little carried away, hopefully the yeast can handle it, if not this will be a very sweet batch that leaves you coming back for more. On a personal note, crushing 2.4 lbs of blueberries by hand was exhilarating. Akin to smashing 2 gallon bags full of nipples!!
(All puns intended during this brew session)