Aug 5, 2006

Bug's Tastes-- Samuel Adams Brewer Patriot

I tried the Sam Adams Brewer Patriot and with the exception of the 1790 Root Beer, they were all very much worth me overpaying on eBay. The Washington Porter was first, and it is very dark and stout. This would be a good one to drink while drawing up plans to form your own country. James Madison Dark Wheat was extremely smooth and had no aftertaste. I should point out now that drinking all four of these brews in a relatively short amount of time (roughly 2 hours) might cause one to later feel like the entire Continental Congress has taken up residency in one's head.

Be responsible... Share homebrew with your canine.

Thought a little different perspective would be nice, since I am still waiting for my case to ship from The Windy-City (frankie)