Jun 17, 2017

Our Tastes-- Cool Breeze

A Sweetwater offering in the summer seasonal that will gateway me into next month's challenge of as many saisons as possible. I find my palate and senses do best when I fully immerse myself in one particular style to learn most about what it actually is and what I hope to one day brew. Cool Breeze, (not related to the lanky guy I went to junior high school with) is a cucumber saison that pours a bright two-finger thick white head and slightly off haze straw. The nose to me is bland at best but the taste is so convincing that I broke out the fresh "cukes" from my mom's garden just picked this past Tuesday and paired the beer with it to absolute amazement. It's as though it was aged on a sh'ton of fresh cucumbers. This is SW's first venture into canned saisons and cukes, so a 2 in 1. I would buy a 6er of this but "just like Jim" it's only available in a seasonal pack awaiting it's full public approval for a full wave ride into the regular rotation. 4.9%, get one.