Dogtoberfest is the first seasonal I tried, it's a marzen beer telling by the grain and hop inventory. But when I first poured it the damn thing was so orange I thought it was a pumpkin ale, I actually started looking up stuff about pumpkin ales before I tasted it. Lest we all learn this lesson, "Judge not a beer by its color..." Me circa right now, A.D. I'll have to admit, if ever I were to cheat on Sam Adams Octoberfest it would be with THIS beer, I hope she's not reading. It could be the fine La Unica #400 maduro cigar I am smoking BUT I started smoking it AFTER trying the beer and it is good. I've said my peace. Check out FDB for the whole story behind dogtoberfest, it's funny, weird funny but funny.
Alcohol content: 5.8% ABV
Original Gravity: 1.056
Specialty Malts: Weyerman Vienna, Weyerman Light Munich, Weyerman Dark Munich, Gambrinus Munich 90, Gambrinus Munich 100
Hops: German Perle, Hersbrucker