Heller Hound Bock is the next seasonal I tried. This is the spring Bock FDB comes out with I happen to pick up a few months ago. I figured it would hold ok as long as I kept it at room temp until enjoying. I'll have to say this is the best damn doggie brew I have had yet. It has a great aroma, the color is dark straw and the tastes is terribly familiar, I just can't place it. It had sediment like a wheat but a flora aroma and smooth taste like a belgian wit. My mouth looks just like the mutt on the front after this one!
Alcohol content: 6.2% ABV
Original Gravity: 1.062
IBU's: 22
Specialty Malts: Weyerman Vienna, Weyerman Light Munich, Weyerman Cara Hell
Hops: German Perle, Hersbrucker, U.S. Sazz