Feb 9, 2006

Our Tastes-- Road Dog Porter

Road Dog Porter is the next little pup I tried. Road Dog is a Scottish Porter. No one is sure how the recipe for this certain blend of beers came about but it is rumored to have been made simply by pouring a pint of ale, beer and twopenny together in the same pint. (see link) I had this beer with pizza which is how porter should be tried and it is AUsome! It has a great dark DARK ruby color to it and has a smooth light smokiness to it. Right now I could definitely have 3. I'm also surprised that this beer is even allowed in AL, the label reads "Good Beer, No Shit". As conservative as we are you'd think someone wouldn't want their little crumb-eater picking that word up if they meander down the beer aisle. But most of the babies here prefer the malt-liquor;)
content: 5.5% ABV
Gravity: 1.056
IBU's: 26
Malts: 120L Crystal, Chocolate Malt, Black Malt
Hops: Yakima Golding, Cascade
Process: A swarm of bats often hovers over the brewhouse during brewing!