Old Scratch Amber is where the IBU goes back down and the malt kicks up. This is another one of my favorites from the litter. It has a great amber color and sweet head to it. I really like the grain variation on this recipe too. I could definitely sit around and have about 10 (and then soak the labels off in some ammonia solution on the back porch while grilling and smoking a stogie), but that's how I like to spend my down time;) Apparently by the 2 gold medals won by Old Scratch in the last 2 years!! I'm not the only one that seems to like it.
content: 5.4% ABV
Gravity: 1.053
IBU's: 22.5
Malts: Malted White Wheat, Munich Malt, 120L Crystal
Hops: German Perle, Hallertau
Process: Fermented at medium temperatures to develop ale and lager characteristics
2004 Gold Medal Winner - Great American Beer Festival (Amber Lager Category)
2005 Gold Medal Winner - Great American Beer Festival (Amber Lager Category)