Horn Dog, how do I love thee, let me count the ways…topless and in my mouth. (Much like my girlfriend). I know a bit nasty but direct imagery is focal, Focker. I’ve only had barleywine one other time when Brian and I were bottling at SweetWater Brewery in ATL. Chris’s (aka Dipshit from Marietta homebrew) father-in-law showed up and started passing out samples from his car, now he was a nice guy! Any old dude that cruises into his local microbrewery and starts handing out his personal selection to the crew that is bottling has to be going to heaven. Barleywine is exactly what is says it is…wine made from grain. OG usually starts 1100 and works it way down, “where it stops nobody knows”. At pouring it was a grayish-brown with chunks of hop rolling around in it. It reminded me a lot like the bentonite magma we used in Ceutics to make calamine lotion, yeah that thick gray stuff. Oh and there was no head at all, this was an instant tattle-tale to a homebrewer that the yeast munched on the sugar making only alcohol. This is no doubt the alpha-male of the pack. I say this because even at the last swig I cringed from the overpowering flavor and ABV.
Alcohol content: 10.5% ABV
Original Gravity: 1.10
IBU's: 44
Specialty Malts: Munich Malt, 30-37L Carastan Malt, 120L Crystal Malt
Hops: German Perle, Northern Brewer, Cascade
Process: Aged for a minimum of three months before being packaged
2003 Silver Medal Winner - The World Beer Cup, (Barley Wine Category)