Jan 2, 2009

10 Things to do with Beer

I am not a big beer drinker so I did some research on other things you can do with beer besides drink it. I found this article in a Men's Health Magazine. They listed 42 things I just picked my favorite. Enjoy!
1. Bathe in it- the alcohol softens the skin.
2. Put out a Fire-Although certainly not as effective as a real fire extinguisher, a can or bottle of beer can mimic one if none is available. Simply shake and spritz. After all, beer is mostly water. This works on small grill flare-ups, and some people have been known to carry an emergency can in their car in case of engine fire.
3. Marinate Meat-Beer is slightly acidic - and that makes it an excellent meat tenderizer. This allows you to enjoy leaner cuts that otherwise might be too tough. Poke a few holes in the meat, and add beer. (English ale is great for beef.) Marinate in the refrigerator for a few hours or, better yet, overnight. Do not drink the marinade.
4. Polish Pots-In days of yore, the last bit of beer from spent kegs was collected and used to polish the copper vats in breweries. Because of its acidity you can just pour some on, let it sit for a while, then wipe it off.
5. Catch Mice- Slugs aren't the only pests with a fatal attraction to beer. You can also trap mice with it. Set out a few small pails or bowls of beer, with a small ramp leading up to the lip. The mice will be attracted by the smell, hop in, drink their fill, and then be unable to climb out.
6.Shampoo your hair- Not only is beer the remedy for a dull party, it's also the cure for dull hair. Pour a cup into a small saucepan and bring it to a boil over medium heat. Let it reduce until there's 1/4 cup left. This removes the alcohol, which can dry hair. Let the beer cool, then mix it with a cup of your favorite shampoo. Pour it into an empty shampoo bottle, then wash and rinse as usual. It'll give your hair more shine and luster.
7. Loosen Rusty Bolts- Pour some beer on them and wait a few minutes. The carbonation may help break up the rust.
8. Clear up Brown spots in the yard- the fermented sugars in beer stimulate plant growth and kill fungi. It is recommended spraying either home brew or Rolling Rock (both are chemical-free) on those annoying brown spots in your lawn.
9. Pass a Kidney Stone- As you've undoubtedly noticed, beer is a diuretic. It helps flush the kidneys and bladder. This can be beneficial if you're suffering from a bladder infection or kidney stone. It helps dilate the ureters [the tubes connecting the kidneys and bladder], which may help you pass a stone quicker and easier. Plus, the alcohol will take the edge off the pain.
10.Kill Slugs-Gather a few empty jars and fill them a third of the way with cheap beer. Then bury them about 15 feet from your garden. Make sure the rims are almost level with the soil surface. For some reason, slugs love beer. They'll find the traps, drop in, and drown. Do this in the evening, let them party all night, and give them an honorable burial in the morning.