Jan 7, 2009

Our Tastes-- Dogfish Head Indian Brown Ale

Ah, yes the beers keep getting progressively darker, yet they hold on to their hops. DFH's IBA is a most new fav of mine. I think I first snagged this one over at Green's on Ponce in ATL. A wonderful cross between a brown ale and IPA, this one pours a dark brown with well balanced hoppy malty nose. The head clings to the glass like saran wrap! When pulling a swig of this into your mouth there's a trick of the brain, the malty aroma is quickly faded out by the hoppy full mouth feel. Made with caramelized brown sugar and paired with whole-lead Liberty (a new one for me, apparently a cross between female Mittelfrüh and a downy mildew resistant male) and Goldings this 7.2%abv, 238 kcal serving drinks just as good in the dead of winter as it does on July 4th, well maybe better in the dead of winter (it fills the belly!). Once again DFH pushes the envelope of what is "beer".